Monday, May 25, 2009


I spent the day with SingingGal and her two girls, and had a GREAT time. We went up to my school and continued the "What Can I Live Without" Campaign. I am happy with all the progess we made and the conversation that we shared. Even the girls did a lot of work, which was GREAT.

After the classroom, we went and shared pizza before going back to the storage shed to deliver my boxes for storage and went back to their house. I got to play with Rocco before leaving. It was A BLAST!

What was the most fun was when SingingGal pointed out how much I say, "Seriously." I didn't realize's just something I say. It was fun because after that, everytime I said, "Seriously" we just laughed! It was REALLY fun! Now everytime I say it, I'll think of her.

Laughter is a lot of fun, and I thank God for SingingGal and her family. I am a blessed gal.

I need to go to bed...SERIOUSLY! :-)


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