Sunday, May 24, 2009

What Can I Live Without?

Years ago I was talking to my Dad and he made a comment that has always stuck with me. He said, "You know, Shortone, cleaning out closets, rooms, whatever, is actually very therapeutic." At the time I am sure I smiled and didn't reply with much. However, that has always stuck with me.

Today I went and started the massive "What can I live without" campaign in my classroom. And, in that, I took two shopping carts full of recycled paper to the recycle bin just outside my school. I am in somewhat of an interesting position because I am entering a brand-new building and when we toured last week there wasn't even furniture in it, so I have NO IDEA what I will need for next year.

So, on some items I am going the Ms. H. route and just taking one copy of things. And on the stuff I REALLY need, I am taking all I have of it. Of course, all district property is staying put. It is amazing how much I've spent on my classroom over the past ten years, as I have a shopping cart full in my classroom now that will go to the storage shed for a month until I move to KC. (And, let me tell ya, I can't wait to be moved into a place to stay for more than 4 months!)

My theme today has been, "What can I live without?"

In my last place of residence, my housemates couldn't get rid of stuff so I didn't see the top of my kitchen table for over a year because all their "stuff" lived on any tabletop surface available.

I don't want to be like that, even in my classroom. As I cleaned out stuff today, I kept thinking, "Why did I keep this? My life will easily go on without that!" Hence, my two shopping carts full of stuff that was recycled.

And I am finding that the more I throw out, the better I feel. I'm in such a place where I want to move forward and not look back that even in just getting rid of things is helping me gain some's almost as if a burden is being lifted. And, honestly it has helped that it's been just me in the building as I do it. I have listened to KOBC and sang as I've done it, which has also been therapeutic.

And it has made me think about "What can I live without" in life?

I find my mind wandering a lot to what I exited from...and everything that was involved in that. I have emotions and feelings that only God knows the depth of.

And in that, I can live without dwelling upon that chapter of my life. Honestly that's easier said than done, but it's still my goal. I can do without the thoughts of the negativity and darkness and fear that I was in that I pray NOONE will ever understand in their lifetime.

Moving forward...yeah...I like the sound of that...


1 comment:

David said...

Let me see.
What can I live without?
Well, I can live without hatred. And bigotry. And narrow-minded people. And wars. And killing. And false prophets.
I can live without most "things." I don't need a big, expensive house, or a big expensive car. Or tickets to a "members only" club. Or a wardrobe of expensive clothes. I certainly don't need "friends" who are "friends" because of what i can (or they think I can) do for them.
Which, I guess, gets me to What I CAN'T live without.
I can't live without friends, and a family that cares about me.
I can't live without my puppies. I'm their entertainment committee, and they're mine.
I can't live without faith that the world can, and will, be a better place.
I can't live without time to watch the sun come up.. and go down.. and enjoying what happens in between.
Thanks for making me think about this.
David aka Dad