Saturday, May 23, 2009

Once again...

I tell ya what, once again I was reminded of how blessed I am. Tonight I went to Amie's place for a girl's night, and was reminded how blessed I am in the area of friendships. I went over with the idea that we were going to do dinner and a movie. What a silly thought...three girls, and I really thought we were going to watch a movie. What was I thinking? Hahahaha!

We wound up sitting and chatting about life, love, and everything in-between. Amie has started dating someone, and the guy is proving to be what she has prayed for all these years. I tell ya what, I am PUMPED FOR HER, and am once again reminded that the wait is worth it. She and I have been the "not-gonna-settle" sisters, and it's fun to see her excitement and smile as she knows all the years of waiting were worth it. She and her boyfriend are inspiring me tremendously. :-)

The other high point of the night was just sharing our hearts with one another. We had some deep moments, and then some moments of just laughter. I tell ya what, it was priceless in my book. Every single second was priceless. :-)

And finally, we concluded with praying for each other. I love it when I get to together with friends and then we pray about everything we discussed together. That is my FAVORITE part of being friends with Amie and K. It was really, really special.

What else can I say?

Oh yea...


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