Friday, May 15, 2009

Programs, Ankles, Parks, and Friends...

I have a few tidbits...highlights...ramblings to share tonight...

First off, yesterday was our fifth grade end-of-the-year program, and it was AWESOME. I helped tape last night's performance, and it was GREAT. I tell ya what, it is always a highlight for me, and this year they did "Cecil Floyd Rocks the 80's". It was complete with Mr. C. and Mr. H. doing pre-show entertainment. I tell ya, it was a GREAT show.

Okay, now for the embarrassing part of the blog. Yesterday after tutoring I was walking down the steps outside the house I tutor at, lost my footing, and became one-with-the-ground. While I have spent a great deal of time falling in my life, this fall was significantly different. I twisted my ankle in the process, and now have an ENORMOUS bruise where my ankle resides. I went to our school nurse who looked at it and said, "You sprained it." I'm to stay off of it tomorrow as much as possible. Yeah, well, considering I need to pack I'm not entirely sure how well that will work, but I am going to try...

Needless to say, I ignored the nurse's advice and spent the day at Carousel Park with our third, fourth, and fifth graders. We rode many rides and laughed a lot. There was even a small roller coaster that I got to ride! That was fun for all! I knew I wouldn't get to go on that Field Trip again, so I went. :-) It was REALLY fun.

Finally, tonight I had a friend and her two boys over for dinner and we watched "Cars." I tell ya, I am blessed in the arena of friendships. Kim and her two boys both made us laugh a lot. It was really cool.

So, I am going to crash for tonight.

As always...



Mr. H said...

The sprained ankle...the sunburn...maybe God is telling you that you must stay where you are! You would make many of us happier if you did. :o(

David said...

If your ankle swelling persists, you should go have it x-rayed. A few years ago, I hurt my ankle and when it started swelling, I went to the Doctor who told me it was a sprain. The swelling continued and the pain increased so I went back to the Doctor. They did an x-ray and found that it was a severe break. Of course, by then it was so badly swollen that they couldn't put a cast on it...
Anyway, years later, I still have persistent ankle pain.
Just a thought.
Love you.
photographer dude