Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Beginning

I assist one of my students in a Regular Education Classroom each morning, and yesterday the students were given an assignment. It was an assignment that I chose to do since I couldn't assist my student on the assignment because it required him to write on his own. T.J. was actually excited that I was doing it since I'm an adult. He gave me paper and loaned me a pen.

The class was told to free write for five minutes. That was something I haven't done in a long time. I blog often, but I think about what I'm writing, who will read it, edit it, etc. For those five minutes, I wrote a fictional story with some factual details from my life. What I found was that it was REALLY fun. In fact, it was one of the highlights of my day yesterday.

Today I went in and we were allowed to write for five more minutes. I LOVED it. After writing for five minutes, we got in small groups and did two stars and a wish. That means that everyone in the group read their stories and they were told two good things about the story, and one thing that the readers wish the author had in the story. It was GREAT. It is something I have never actually experienced, and I thought it was GREAT. I plan on using it in my own writing classroom as well!!!

I decided that once I get the story back from the teacher, I will write more. I think there's something inside me that's worth writing.


Love. It.


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