Tuesday, February 01, 2011


Today I woke up to snow on the ground. I was prepared for it, as Bryan Busby has been telling us about this storm for days. On Saturday I went to the store and stocked up on food and supplies before the rest of the world had the same idea. The first thing I did when I woke up was look out my window. My first thought was that it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL outside. We just had our last round of snow almost completely melt away before this round hit. I almost felt like a kid, wondering what today's storm would dump on us.

At 2:00 I went out and checked how much snow was by the tree in my front yard. My ruler showed 5.8 inches of snow on the ground, and you could barely see the house across the street from me due to the white snow falling. It was AMAZING to me. Once again I was reminded that there are things in this world the we have no control over as humans. It made me feel incredibly small watching the snow fall.

At 5:15-ish I went out with Jay and measured again by the tree. At that point we had 10.5 inches of snow on my lawn. I can't open my back door at all, I have to take Jay out front to do his business. The crazy thing is that it was only 5:15 and snow was still falling in the form of a Blizzard! I wonder what the final total will be tomorrow when the snow stops falling.

At about 1:30 my phone rang and told me school was out for tomorrow. I was not surprised. I'll be surprised if we have school the rest of this week. The district posted news to us on FB that the State only requires districts to officially make up the first 6 days. After the 6th snow day, the rules change slightly. For every TWO days out now, we only make up one day of school. Meaning that if we're out Thursday, our last day will still be May 31. That's good to know. Considering we're in a State of Emergency, I think we'll have a few more days. *grin*

Finally, I have worn Jay out today! I guess since he's used to sleeping 9 hours a day while I'm at work, this lack of sleep stuff would be tough. About 6pm, he was DONE. He's slept most of tonight in my lap. Yes, in my lap. He thinks he has the right to be here or something. *grin*

Snow Day #7 tomorrow. Yeah, Blizzard 2011 is a storm I won't forget. I will say though, the snow is BEAUTIFUL.


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