Saturday, March 30, 2013

What Does Love Look Like? (Part 2)

Back in December 2008 I did a post titled, "What Does Love Look Like?" (You can check the vault if you want to read it! I just did.) It was the first time I had heard Misty Edwards sing the song "Arms Wide Open"that is now on the album "Fling Wide". It gripped me. You won't be surprised to hear that she sang it again tonight at FCF. *grin*

It blessed me immensely that she sang it, as earlier today I whispered to the Lord I'd like to hear it again live. *grin* He's pretty cool like that, to answer even the quietest prayers. *grin*

With Easter tomorrow (Or today, or yesterday, or last week, depending upon when you read this.) it obviously speaks of the cross, and how He had His arms wide open on a cross, dying for you and me. That, is the ULTIMATE picture of what love looks like. It was the picture I wanted, and needed tonight.

Next, I got to thinking about what love looks like today. This world has changed a lot, even since 2008. Love, in my world, is in the little things. It can be in the big things, but for me the smallest things mean a lot. *grin* (Someday, some guy is going to figure that out, and will think I'm the easiest gal to make happy!) While everything in my Dec. 2008 list is true, I want to add more. I think as time goes on, PERSPECTIVE gets even better. *grin*

1. Jay, in addition to Roxie and Rudy (my parent's dogs) has this love thing down to an art. He knows, without even being able to talk, what I need and when I need it. From a lick on the nose, to the random cuddle on the couch, this kid knows love! *grin*

2. Texting. I find it amazing how our lives have changed with technology. I just ordered an upgrade to an iPhone 5, and am excited. That being said, I pay monthly for unlimited texts. *grin* Some may consider that a waste of money, as I'm sure the phone company often gets more money than necessary on my slow months. HOWEVER, I love the idea that I can send an encouraging text to someone when I know they are walking through something. I also like how it goes the other way too. I was encouraged last week by a couple friends who knew the exact thing to text me at the exact time. One even had a word from the Lord for me!!! Hahaha! That's love in action!

3. Email. I have a friend who currently lives in France. She and I have swapped email this week, and she has really reminded me what GOOD friends do. She has prayed for me, as well as encouraged me in ways that only she can do. That's love in actions too! *grin*

4. Prayer. One of my favorite things to do is to pray for people. Whether that's here at home in my quiet time, or in person, I love to do that. Of course, just talking to Him is fun for me, but talking to Him on behalf of others, that's LOVE too. *grin*

5. Sitting by a friend. I realize that may be a no-brainer, but I think it's worth mentioning. Here at IHOP-KC, I go through seasons with different people beside me. Week before last, I was in the GPR when a friend came in and sat down in the row ahead of me. I was a little shocked, as she was supposed to be at home in her home state, but I was excited. After going over to ask "What are you doing here?" she moved over by me. We BOTH get a lot out of our friendship just by sitting by each other in the GPR. She's in a place where she needs some support right now, so to me just by sitting by her, that's love too!

6. Serving Jesus in the classroom. Due to the nature of my job, I know TONS of teachers who are spending their lives ministering to children, whether or not they consider it "ministry." It's not an easy job either. However, to take on the task of teaching in this world we live in, and do it right, is DEFINITELY love in action! *grin*

7. Walking beside a friend during a rough season. I can't tell you how many friends I've walked beside as they have walked through divorce, Cancer, abuse, neglect, and pain. I personally consider it an honor to walk beside someone when they share their life so openly with me that I know what they are struggling and how I can pray for them. I also consider it an honor when I'm told the depth of someone's heart, and am trusted with that. I think on both ends, that's love in action, from sharing one's heart to getting to support the person through the trial. Love. *grin*

8. Twitter. I have a close friend who checks my status on twitter to see how I'm doing. If there's something off, he'll either tweet back or text to check on me. The reverse is true too. (KU's loss last night, need I say more?) That's love in action.

9. Mail. Those closest to me know that I Love mail. They also know that I have a shelf in my kitchen full of cards. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to send out encouragement cards. I also love to get real mail. Think about it, how often do you get real mail? Your birthday? *grin* Yeah, well, try sending a card for no reason other than to say "Hi." That's REAL love too! *grin*

10. Facebook. Some will disagree with me here, but that's okay. I realize all social media can be used for bad. However, mine is not! I looked at my friends on FB list recently, and while I don't "talk" to a lot of those people, I do pray for them. So many of those CIA's and staffers from Barnabas are growing into young adults, getting married, having kids, etc, and I am LOVING the blessing of watching them lead Godly lives. A few I've sent graduation cards too, and a few have sent me REAL mail as well. However, I think the bigger picture is the fact we're basically sharing our lives via a website that didn't exist when I was growing up. Just sharing life moments, to me that's love. *grin*

11. Marriage. While this hasn't happened to me yet, I was thinking today of a friend who waited a long time for the guy God had for her came along. She married him, and also became a stepmother to two boys in the process. She has gone on to also have a girl of her own since then, but to jump in with both feet with kids that weren't hers to begin with...well, that's LOVE to me. *grin* (I want to add here, she's a great Mom!)

I guess my list could go on and on. I want to stop for now, as I have to crash. I have shuttles in the morning, and I AM EXCITED to be back with the team since we were off last week due to snow.

What does love look like?

It is a man on a cross, dying for our sins, with his arms wide open and his heart exposed.

Today, it is also other things too. I hope you enjoyed today's post. Until next time...


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