Thursday, April 02, 2015

The Happiest Place This Side of Heaven

It won't surprise you to know that I have another Camp Barnabas post to share. Last weekend there was a Weekend Barn-A-Break held at the Purdy location. I was allowed to arrive a day late because I attended the Chris Tomlin concert on Friday night. I had previously told Sarah, volunteer coordinator, that I'd be there as soon as possible on Saturday.

I arrived at camp around 3pm. I had messaged Sarah ahead of time, so I knew where to store my stuff and where I'd be sleeping. Next up, I went for a walk around camp to find everyone. I had zero idea what cabin I'd be assigned to work with, but I was excited to be there to serve for about 24 hours. *grin*

I figured out I was with my fave camper, Ronni, and several other campers I had had before. *grin* It did feel a little odd to not know the cabin girls like usual at that point on a weekend barn-a-break. At the same time I was glad I was with Ronni. We had a rough moment here and there, but honestly, there were more good moments (by far!) than bad ones. Ronni loves people. Everyone. She's one of the biggest blessings in my life. Totally. *grin*

I didn't do a lot, other than serve Ronni, but it was an AMAZING time out there. *grin*

It is impossible to explain what God does in and through a person when you're at Barnabas. It's just something that you have to experience. *grin* However, I will state I am a different person today because of that 24 hour time there.

I had several of the campers I've had before. I even had two returner missionaries. That was fun.

I also enjoyed seeing visitors to camp for the day, such as Sarah and Mandy. I love how camp is an experience, but it's also friends for a lifetime. I've said it a lot lately, but, my Barnabas Family is very special to me. *grin* I am one blessed gal.

Also, as a side note, I learned that you can support Camp Barnabas by joining Amazon Smiles and choose to support The Barnabas Foundation in Purdy, Missouri. By doing so, a portion of the proceeds go to Camp. *grin*

From the non-verbal camper, to Ronni, to the non-stop walkers, and everything in-between, camp is one amazing place. I'm so glad God made me to serve out there. Not one camper is LESS than anyone else...they're just different.

Just like we are all different children of God. Loved by Him, and unconditionally loved out at camp.

I also love how I can show up, a day late, have a limp, and I fit right in. I told someone (and don't remember who) that I wish the world could see that little corner of the world. Not one person stared at the limp. I love that! And, it doesn't matter what the camper was diagnosed with, they are a person first out there.

Saturday night there was a talent show and many of the kids got up and sang. Truthfully, they weren't always on key or pitch, but the audience treated them like they were famous singers. We had arms waving, just like at a concert. We also clapped to the rhythm. I realize you'd have to be there, but it was a little bit of Heaven to see the campers shine. *grin*

This will be my ninth Summer serving out at camp. It never gets old. *grin* Truthfully, it's still Life-changing.


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