Friday, June 16, 2017

Making Memories

I sit here tonight with Karen gone, and I wish I could rewind time and live the past 24 hours all over again. However, that's not how He chose time to work. *grin* So I am sitting here thinking about what I haven't written but want to remember. This is totally a post for me more than you, but if you want to go ahead and read on, you can. I am blessed that you take a few minutes to read my journey this side of Heaven. Truly. *grin*

1. Sleeping in is one of my favorite Summer activities. I will admit, the older I get, the earlier "sleeping in" can be. At the same time, I don't mind. Just getting to sleep and not need to be anywhere right away is a blessing beyond words.

2. Karen and I enjoy talking and bouncing things off each other. I love it, and it was a priceless couple of days. Truly. I am blessed to have Karen in my life. Totally. *grin*

3. Karen and I did the Prayer Room and Prophecy Rooms. It was a REALLY fun afternoon. The Prayer Room is still one of my favorite places on the planet. Sharing it with friends is always priceless to me. Truly. *grin*

4. Yesterday we had to wait an hour between the break out session and the evening session. We went outside to wait for doors to open for the evening, and the crowd waiting wound up leading us in singing outside. It was one of those moments that I knew how rare that was, and how everyone joined in singing. It was priceless, and even though we were sweating like crazy, I was good with it. It made for an amazing memory, and is one I won't forget. Ever. *grin*

5. Jay continues to make me laugh and smile daily. While that isn't new news, I just wanted to share that. Due to a situation I don't want to fully explain, he has adjusted to some changes this week. I know there have been rough moments for him, but he's done well. He even did well with Karen, as she isn't a dog person and loves him from afar. I am blessed, as he behaves better than some of my students. Totally.

Two posts in one week. I'm not sure if this trend will continue, but, I am enjoying writing again.

I pray your day was full of some good memories too. The older I get the more I understand how precious moments and memories mean to me. They are truly priceless. Completely.


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