Saturday, January 13, 2018

Best Ten Minutes of My Day

Yesterday we returned to school after one Snow Day on Thursday. I was fine with returning to school, as I knew some of my littles need the daily routine of school. I had a really good day, and laughed a lot in my classroom. I had a mixed review from kids about the Snow Day. Almost all of them are so practical and didn't want to give up another day of Summer. I'll be honest, I was in need of the Snow Day. I love random days off work, when I'm not sick. I don't get sick much at all, but, I really do like random days off work. *giggle*

We finished in the car rider room and headed up front to the breezeway so the kids could wait in the warm air for their car. I looked over in the office and one of our students was waiting in the office for his Mom to arrive. I'll be honest, he's one of our Special Education Students who I adore! He saw me and I made a face at him. *giggle*

For the next few minutes (not sure, but I'd guess it was about ten minutes) we did some peek-a-boo and made faces at each other. I was laughing the whole time, and so was the assistant who was with him. Right before it was time to go, we both moved over to the window and were making faces at each other through the window. I realize it loses something in a post, but it was, by far, my favorite ten minutes of my day. I laughed a ton and the kid loved it too.

I'm still convinced I have the coolest job ever working with kids. Today I've pondered that short little interaction and am so glad that young man knows me well enough to know from the very beginning my goal was to make him laugh. That's kinda what we do anyway, we always make each other laugh. *giggle*


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